Richard Barr Writer (and lawyer)
Articles from 2008
From Smoke Signals, August 2010
"It is therapeutic to experience the suffering of others. That is why we always slow down to rubber neck the aftermath of a road accident (and some of us of course take the opportunity to toss out a few business cards to the victims as they sit on the road side).....
"So, for your pleasure go ahead and enjoy this year's crop of Barr disasters."
Note: the full article appears in The Savage Poodle
I have been writing for Solicitors Journal since 1975 and regularly since 1991- amounting to hundreds of pieces.
At the end of November 2008 I had a compulsory career change - well it seemed at the time more like a career end - when my firm made me redundant. This collection - from November 2008 onwards - takes up the story and in a meandering way tells about my new life, working from home. All these articles are in pdf format - which means that you see what the article looked like on the printed page (and you can enjoy David Haldane's cartoons that accompany most of them). They were published on the dates given and are republished by kind permission of Solicitors Journal. The pdf files of the articles are quite big, and even with Broadband will take a few seconds to load up. Give it a try. Some of the articles in this section of the website have been removed as they appear in my book The Savage Poodle. If you like what you see here, buy the book and read on.....